A Domestic Violence Charge Can Affect the Life – Know How?

The term domestic violence refers to the levying of emotional trauma or violence by a person against the other in a relationship like married couples, dating, or living together. Domestic violence charges cover different types of offenses, so a prosecutor needs to gather pieces of evidence that support the case.

If you want to hire the best domestic violence lawyer, you must consider visiting the SPARTACUS Law firm. They provide a level-headed attorney who works vigorously to help their clients to avoid high penalties.

Domestic battery vs. domestic violence

Domestic battery refers to a particular charge, whereas domestic violence means a set of violent charges. Domestic battery is imposed when a person uses force against a partner, spouse, or other family members. Domestic violence includes an array of faults than physical abuse.

domestic violence charges

What are the kinds of domestic violence charges?

According to NRS 33.018, domestic violence allegations are classified into various types and penalties depending on the crime severity.

The following are a few of them:

  • Stalking – Fear of safety, installing spyware on the computer, and more
  • Physical abuse – throwing a glass of water, causing lasting harm, etc
  • Emotional abuse – deliberate manipulation, gaslighting, and others
  • Verbal abuse – calling names, using foul language, criticizing, and so on
  • Sexual abuse – forced sexual actions
  • Financial abuse – Class C felony, young people taking economical advantage of old people

Penalties incurred for domestic violence

According to the 200.485 Nevada Revised Statue, domestic violence results in fines, imprisonment, community service, rehabilitation, counseling, and court-ordered restitution. The result varies based on the circumstances and how many times the offender has committed the crime.

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1st-time domestic violence offense

  • $200-$1,000 fine
  • Community service of 2 to 5 days
  • Imprisonment of a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 180 days

2nd domestic violence offense (within a period of 7 years)

  • $500-$1,000 fine
  • Community service of 100-200 hours
  • Imprisonment of a minimum of 20 days to a maximum of 180 days

3rd domestic violence offense (within a period of 7 years)

  • $1,000-$5,000 fine
  • State prison for a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 6 years

For dangerous offenses like using a deadly weapon or strangulation or the victim is expecting a baby, strict penalties and serious charges are applied, like the imprisonment of a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 10 years and a maximum fine of $10,000.

How do domestic violence charges affect life?

  • Domestic violence charges result in disruptions in life, but they are not permanent. A skilled attorney in Las Vegas can help in reducing the charges and fines as well as getting a fair trial in court. If you find guilty of domestic violence case, you need to face consequences, like:
  • Losing a job and difficulty getting a new job
  • Losing the right to own a firearm
  • Revoked professional license
  • Losing child custody
  • Damaged reputation because of the allegations

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